Keep Your Hair Healthy even with Constant Hair Drier

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Long and shiny hair is the envy of many girls. Our crowning glory can certainly attract a lot of attention from other people and the pressure to keep it healthy and beautiful could lead to many products and salon jobs that could only ruin the hair.

Years ago, ladies with curly or frizzy hair have to use multiple products to tame the frizz that take months before result is seen and to live with the frizz and the curls until that day comes. But in today’s generation, a simple hair drier is all it takes to make any hair straight and shiny.

But, like the skin, our hair may burn when it is exposed to too much heat. At controlled heat, the drier will evaporate excess moisture and straighten the in the process but too much heat is a big NO - NO!

Keep your hair straight and healthy even when using a hair drier. Take these 5 easy steps to keep your hair healthy.

1. Protect – too much heat will damage your hair; think how much your hair goes through if you do this practice every single day for work or school? Protect your hair from further damage by using products like creams, serums and oils that is activated by heat forming a film that will protect the hair during drying. There are many brands available in drugstores and supermarkets; find one that you can afford.

2. Read the manual - You can use your drier if you handle it properly and your manual can tell you exactly how to that.

3. Respect your limits - Those who have oily hair should make sure that the drier is more than 5 cm away from the roots. The heat stimulates the production of the sebaceous glands that will produce more oil.

4. Dandruff – Limit using driers if you have dandruff as heat is a factor for your dandruff to itch and may even lead to seborrheic dermatitis.

5. How much can you handle? - It doesn't mean that you can take the heat that the hair can too. If the heat is too much when you hover your hands near it then it is too much for your hair too.

Learn how to blow dry frizzy and curly hair from this lovely YouTube Guru!!!


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